Our final show of the semester is this Saturday at the Brooklyn Academy of Music's Gilman Auditorium.
The show begins at 7:30 pm but we have been given access to a pre-concert talk at 5 pm.
There is a video about the performance here: http://www.bam.org/view.aspx?pid=1273
From the BAM website:
Hip-hop savant cum shrewd cultural critic, the tireless DJ Spooky That Subliminal Kid/Paul D. Miller has always kept one ear to deftly-crafted sound and the other to social concerns. In Terra Nova: Sinfonia Antarctica, he heeds the call of a rapidly changing continent by letting it finally speak for itself.
Based around DJ Spooky's sound recordings in the Antarctic that explore the acoustic qualities of ice, Terra Nova allows us to encounter the climate crisis with unprecedented intimacy, giving voice to the groaning landscape as it undergoes irrevocable change. Members of the International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE) perform live with DJ Spooky's hip-hop and sample-infused soundscape to create a riveting electronic symphony as live video projections reconstruct Antarctica—the real and the imagined—in this acoustic portrait of our embattled Earth.
Performed by DJ Spooky and the International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE)
Visual design by A.J. Weissbard
Images research and video editing by V-Factory and Jim Findlay
Commissioned by - BAM / 2009 Next Wave Festival, Change Performing Arts, Melbourne International Arts Festival, Hopkins Center / Dartmouth College, UCSB Arts & Lectures, Spoleto 51 / Festival dei 2 Mondi
To get to BAM, please consult the map below
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