Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Frederic Rzewski at Zankel Hall

On Thursday, May 1 (the same day as class), we are seeing a program at Zankel Hall entitled: Making Music: Frederic Rzewski.

The concert begins at 7:30 pm. Zankel Hall is located at 881 Seventh Avenue at 57th Street. Hopefully you will have enough time to walk across town and get something to eat before the show.

In anticipation, please read the program here.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Candide at City Opera

On Saturday, April 12th, we are seeing the modern opera Candide at City Opera at 8 pm.

Candide was written by Leonard Bernstein.

City Opera is between 62nd and 65th Streets and Amsterdam and Columbus Avenues.
Subway: 1 to 66th Street

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


On Wednesday, April Fools Day, 2008, Music TRaC had "VIP" access into The Knitting Factory; we skipped the 20/30 person line and walked down into the Tap Bar.

Without adding too much of my opinion, I can fairly say that show was an utter failure--very few of us enjoyed being nearly punched and kicked in the face by drunk, fresh 21 year olds. Like the majority of the studded-belt-clad audience, we retreated to the back of the floor every time these wackos decided to "dance." Indeed, some may argue that this moshing is a primitive activity which can only unravel chaos and nosebleeds, but there are others who believe it is a form of total self-expression and freedom.

Anyways, Andrey, our Music TRaC director, asked us to refrain from getting anywhere near the "tornado of bodies" (google.com). Maybe a waiver would have been necessary? Just kidding.
The music, more importantly, was incomprehensible, unmelodious, and lacked overall taste.

But! This was a great experience for some of us who have never been to a hardcore show. We've now witnessed the new concert norm of this generation of rockers.

Before & After: